Village Project Fund Grant Application

Wymeswold Village Project Fund (the organising committee behind the annual Duck
Races) makes small grants available to local clubs, associations, societies, community
projects and charities. These grants are as a result of the profits realised on the betting
races, bar and games. Grants will be awarded up to a value of £300.

Applications are invited from properly-constituted community and voluntary groups for
activities not conducted for profit. Grants should be towards a new initiative or project
(rather than general running costs) and there should be an identifiable benefit to people
residing in the parish of Wymeswold.

The organisation or project must be based in the Parish of Wymeswold or carry out
activities (other than fund-raising) within the Parish.

To make an application, complete the Grants Application Form and forward it to Lesley Herrington (Secretary, Wymeswold Duck Race Committee) at Goscote House, 79 Brook Street, or email to

The closing date for the application is 31st August 2022.

Wymeswold Village Project Fund – Community Grants

The Wymeswold Village Project Fund (the organising committee behind the annual Duck Races) is making grants available to local clubs, associations, societies, community projects and charities. These grants are as a result of the Wymeswold Village Duck Race and the profits realised on the betting races, BBQ and games.

It is recognised that local organisations are also given the opportunity to take part in the event and raise money for those organisations. The awareness and results of their involvement may be taken into account when grants are considered.

Applications are invited from local groups who fulfil the following criteria:

  • Applications must be submitted by properly constituted community and voluntary groups for activities not conducted for profit.
  • It is hoped that, where possible, organisations should also have made an effort to contribute to the success of the day.
  • Grants will be awarded to schemes where there is an identifiable benefit to people residing in the parish of Wymeswold.
  • Applications will be considered where the scheme is a capital investment, new initiative or project to further the aims of the organisation. Grants will not be awarded to cover general running costs of the organisation.
  • The organisation or project must be based in the Parish of Wymeswold or carry out
    activities (other than fund-raising) within the Parish.
  • Organisations may be requested to present their constitution and some form of Balance Sheet for the panel to fully understand the objectives and ethos of the organisation.
    The organisation to which the application relates should not be exclusive, but should allow
    access to, or use/participation by, the general public. There must be no restriction on
    membership by any organisation to which a grant is to be made. Membership must be open to the general public and not refused on grounds of gender, race, disability, sexual
    orientation, occupation, religious, political or other beliefs.
  • The purpose to which the grant is to be applied must not relate to the promoting religious belief or party political activities.
  • Application forms should be forwarded to the Secretary of Wymeswold Village Project Fund, including details of the purpose of the grant requested and how such a grant would benefit the members of the organisation or the greater community.

Wymeswold Village Project Fund Grant Awards Panel

  • The ‘Awards Panel’ shall consist of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and one other member of the committee of the Wymeswold Village Project Fund.
  • The above officers may co-opt other members of the committee at their discretion.
  • The Awards Panel shall consider the grant applications received and propose grants to such bodies as it sees fit.
  • Should any member of the Awards Panel have an interest in any grant being considered that that interest must be declared and the member withdraw from any discussion about the grant award for that organisation. However, the member is permitted to supply any further supporting information if requested to, by the panel.
  • The Awards Panel shall also be permitted to make donations to other charitable or other non-commercial organisations as it sees fit.
  • The decision of the panel will be final and appeals will not be heard.
  • Details of the awards will be posted on the Parish Noticeboard, the Christian Link and on

To apply for a grant please complete the application form below and forward it to Lesley Herington (Secretary, Wymeswold Duck Race Committee) at Goscote House, 79 Brook Street, or email it to

Duck Race Grants Application Form

The final date for grant applications is 31st August 2019 and the Awards Panel meets in
early September to consider the applications.

Wymeswold Village Project Fund Community Grant Awards 2017

The Wymeswold Village Project Fund (the organising committee behind the annual Duck Races) again made grants available to local clubs, associations, societies, community projects and charities. The grants fund is generated by the profits from the betting races, BBQ and games at the Wymeswold Duck Races in May 2017

Applications from village-based organisations were received by the closing date of 30th September and the Awards Panel was able to distribute grants as follows:

  • Wymeswold Football Club
    Contribution towards football equipment                             £300
  • 1st Wolds Scouts Group
    Contribution towards new windows / doors                         £300
  • Wymeswold Playgroup
    Contribution towards new fridge                                             £150

The Awards Panel felt that all the above projects met the conditions of the award scheme and were pleased to help these village organisations with their respective projects.

Next year’s Duck Races will be held on Sunday 6th May 2018 and as usual village groups are invited to get involved.

There will be an OPEN EVENING on Tuesday 30th January 2018 at 7.30pm in THE WINDMILL .

The Duck Race needs your support and we need new volunteers to make this annual celebration a sustainable calendar event for the village. ALL WELCOME.

Further details can be obtained from Wilma O’Leary (Secretary of the Wymeswold Village Project Fund / Duck Races) at